Help us Make a Difference in the Lives of Youth Through Life-Changing Retreats
Your gift makes an impact, as we seek to expand the opportunities and programs we offer to those seeking a retreat at The Spirit Center. Help support the ongoing development of our facility, including expansion projects of our beautiful Meditation Gardens, nature trails, Rosary Path, and Stations of the Cross. Additionally, our scholarship fund allows us to underwrite the cost for retreat scholarships to well deserving youth in our communities.
Use the form on this page to make a secure, tax-deductible donation online! Thank you for your support of The Spirit Center!
The Spirit Circle…
A Monthly Giving Opportunity
The Spirit Circle is an opportunity for our generous family of supporters to help grow our important ministry with a recurring monthly gift!
Monthly giving is both an efficient and impactful way to sustain the work of The Spirit Center! It is easy and convenient for you, as well as giving you confidence that your gift makes an even bigger difference to our efforts. Our monthly donors will receive a welcome gift, priority registration for Spirit Center events, as well as an invitation to our exclusive Spirit Circle breakfast and mini-retreat!
Partner with us
All non-profits depend on the generosity of donors and supporters. The Spirit Center is no different. We know that without the friendship and support of our donors, we would not be in existence.
We are seeking to establish partnerships with businesses and individuals alike, to help us celebrate the culmination of a dream for the youth of our area to have a safe place to go and unplug from the distractions and temptations of our world and enjoy the beauty of the south Texas countryside and reconnect with God.
Can we count on your support?