Our mission is to provide a place for spiritual, educational, and social development for the youth of South Texas.

The Spirit Center is a dream come true for youth ministry in south Texas. We look forward to providing youth of many faiths a place to disconnect from the outside world and reconnect with God.

Why are retreats important?

A spiritual retreat is an integral part of the Christian community. A retreat is an ideal way to get closer to God. It can help a person to rediscover his or her faith. Group church retreats can bring the faithful together, helping them to strengthen their relationship with God and others. 

The Spirit Center is special because it allows participants to connect with nature in appreciation and enjoyment of God's many gifts. Connecting with nature brings about an environmental consciousness and appreciation of everyday things.

Experiencing God is beyond any earthly sensation. The Spirit Center helps lead people to open their hearts to God in prayer.
— Deacon Bob Allen

Spirit Center Board


Not Pictured:


Cynthia Collins - Secretary
Mary Kuffel - Board Member
Hilda Gonzales - Board Member
Alex Garcia - Board Member


All non-profits depend on the generosity of donors and supporters. The Spirit Center is no different. We know that without the friendship and support of our donors, we would not be in existence.  

Help us celebrate the culmination of a dream for the youth of our area to have a safe place to go and disconnect from the distractions and temptations of our world and enjoy the beauty of the south Texas countryside and reconnect with God.

Can we count on your support? DONATE NOW